Sunday, April 20, 2008

37 weeks and counting

Here are some pics of our flower beds in the front! I am so excited about them! This is the first year we have done tulips and they are just so beautiful I wanted to share them with everyone! They are really starting to open up since the weather is staying nicer.

I am officially 37 weeks! I cannot believe it sometimes! In just a few short weeks our Tink will be here, unbelievable! Things are def. in place and I have been nesting for sure. I can't get things clean enough and keep organizing everything, not that it is much different than any other time it is just a little more frequent. I had my last shower this weekend with my friends. It was a lot of fun and I got some great stuff! We have been so lucky with everything.

We went to the doctor on Thursday and she said everything is right on track. Tink's heartrate it good and I am measuring right on target. She said that if I were to go into labor that she wouldn't stop it. I am just hoping it doesn't happen before Friday. By then I should be just about done with state testing, we will have seen Jimmy Buffett and will be ready to go (at least that is what I keep telling myself).

I will finally have a chance to rest these next two weeks. I am officially done with WW until July and have the next two weeks off from classes. My summer session is supposed to start the week the baby is due! Anyway...hopefully the baby will come early or late and I will make it to at least the first class.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Room Additions

This past weekend has been a very busy one in the Reid household. We finally have carpet in the basement and furniture for the baby!!! Peter was a busy bee downstairs and worked his butt off putting his things up. He is so excited to have a room for his stuff. Meanwhile I worked upstairs along with my mom, sisters and friend April to get Tink's room together. I think everyone was just exhausted at the end of the day. The only thing left is to hang a few things on the wall in Tink's room and get the ceiling done in the basement. Hope everyone is well!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

St. Louis Family Baby Shower

I had my St. Louis Family Baby Shower this weekend. It was wonderful!!! Thanks to everyone for coming and being soooo generous! I had a wonderful time and recieved so many great gifts! Here are some pictures from the shower!! The furniture is coming on Saturday and I am getting really excited to organize everything!
We had our last class this past Thursday and it was our breastfeeding class. It was very informative and I think it will help out a lot. At least I know a little more of what to expect. I guess I should probably start getting a hospital bag ready since this Wed it will be a month away!!!
We have also gotten some great guesses for the baby pool! No one else is allowed to put I am having an eleven pound baby! That is just mean! Well, I hope everyone had a great weekend! Take care! Love ya all!!!