So we have been having fun just playing lately. Nora has sooo many toys now we just don't know which to play with first. This toy came from Uncle Tim and Aunt Candace and she really likes it. It makes lots of noise!!! Thanks! She hasn't quite figured out how to make it scoot on her own yet, but I think it will come soon. I was pushing her and stopped and she signed more, so we did it again and she signed more. My back started hurting from going up and down the hallway.
Nora so enjoys her bathtime. She could play in there for hours. Could be a good omen for the pool this summer or it could be bad. It means she might not want to get out. She is too funny when we are getting her ready for her bath. When she sees us get her towel out she starts waving her hands and gets all excited. She is pretty darn cute. She just figured out where the water is coming from and is becoming obsessed with the faucet. I think we need to get a faucet cover so she doesn't hurt herself.