Friday, July 29, 2011

Nora's Trip to Chicago

Nora went to Chicago from the 10th of July through the 16th of July. Peter and I took her up to stay with Grandma and Grandpa and we came back home. She stayed with them for the whole week and was spoiled silly! A lot of people cannot believe that we let her do this and on the flip side people say to them I can't believe you are doing this. I think it is awesome! This is her third summer spending a week with them and I think that it is a special thing that she gets to do. It all started because I had class in the summer and so they kept her while I was in class, well this summer was the first time that I didn't have class. I was kid free, well besides the one that I am carrying ;) While she was gone I got the babies room ready. Nora kept busy in Chicago. She went to the pool with Grandma, Aunt Candace and Naomi, to the Aquarium, the library, to visit great-grandma, the park, a movie and build a bear! Here are some pics!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

When I was young, me and my siblings spent a week at our grandparents every summer. Although, they lived just a few miles from my parents, it gave them time to not worry about us, since they didn't have time or money for a "real" vacation many years. I love the memories of my grandma "teaching" us how to crochet each year, and as soon as we left, we forgot.