Friday, November 11, 2011

2 weeks

Our sweet baby is 2 weeks old. Some days I feel like wow that was fast and other days i feel like she has been here a while. Stella went to the doctor at 5 days old and had lost a little more weight, but other than that was great. Grandma and I took her yesterday and she has gained back some of that weight! Yea! I am nursing this time around and it is going pretty good. There are definate days when I question if I should nurse, but that is usually at night when I am tired and then the next morning I feel better about it. She is taking well to the nursing and latching well and eating well. That is all I can ask for. It is hard and we have been busy the last few days running to the doctor, getting diapers and other stuff, and visitors. That can complicate things with nursing, but Stella seems no worse for the wear. I want to keep nursing at least until I go back to work.

Grandma has been in town since Stella was a week old. She has been a great help. She has been cleaning and cleaning and doing laundry. My house is going to be a mess when she leaves. Grandpa comes in to town today and will be meeting Stella for the first time! Nora is super excited Grandpa is coming in. She didn't understand why Grandma came without him.

Stella is a lot like Nora was as a baby. Nora was laid back and so is Stella. Stella only cries when she is super hungry or over tired. We are so lucky!!! I hope she is as good of a traveler as Nora was and is. We are making our first trek to Chicago in 9 days! It should be an interesting ride! are her two week stats.

weight-7lbs. 10oz. (30%)
length-21.5 inches (89%)
head-14.1 (53%)

Here are some pics!  Nora and Stella at the same age!!! It is scary! Can you tell the difference? Leave a comment and tell me which two pics are Nora and which two pics are Stella!!!

And Jalen and his sweet baby cousin. He is such a great boy! I don't know what we would do without him. He just loves his cousins so much. He is so proud!!

Who am I?

Nora or Stella?

Can you tell the difference?

What baby?

Jalen and his sweet cousin Stella

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