Wednesday, May 1, 2013

18 months

Stella K is 18 months old. She turned 18 months this past Saturday and we went to the doctor on Monday. I know I am a few days late with stats, but oh well. So Stella did great for the doctor and it was awesome for me because she didn't have to get any shots! Here are her stats....

25.8 lbs (85th%ile)
32.5" (70th%ile)

She previously weighed 22.4 lbs and was 31.5", so she has really grown in the last 3 months. Sometimes I just cannot believe she is this big already! She is starting to talk more, despite my worrying. I felt like she wasn't saying enough and the doctor said she is a tad behind, but she is not worried in the slightest. Just this last week she has started to mimic more. She says the following words...

hep (help)
pls (please)
mo (more)
mi (milk)

She is so busy and still loves to climb on everything. She is so active! She really likes to be on the move and to be outside. I think it is going to be an interesting summer. We are going to get another little pool so I am thinking she will want to be in it every day. here are a few pictures from this morning that I took. Can't you just hear her laughing.She is just so big! I feel like in the 2nd pic she looks so much like a little girl and not my baby anymore.

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