Monday, September 9, 2013

Eckerts Fun

Last week went spent Labor Day at Eckerts Farm. It is a pretty neat place and we have taken Nora there before, but Stella had not been. Throughout the year they have strawberries, apples, peaches, blackberries, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins and other fruits and veggies too. When we went we hit the peak of honeycrisp apple season and the very tail end of peach season. The girls were really excited and Nora brought her friend Ally with her.
When we got there we walked around and saw some of the farm animals they have and had lunch. The big girls were really excited to have corn dogs (it cracks me up). After that we got on the tractor and headed out into the orchard. We let the big girls pick 5 apples each and they had so much fun doing it. They ate some apples while we were out too. After the apples we hit the peaches and they were nice and ripe. Stella ate a whole peach and wanted more. We were both covered in peach juice by the time we left. So much fun!

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