Sunday, January 25, 2015

Just to remember

My post today is just to remember these times as they are. On a day when I am home and able to watch and play with the girls and appreciate my life the way it is right now. How lucky and blessed I am to have this life! And I get to write to my girls about my girls so that when they grow up they can see what they were like and if and when they have kiddos of their own someday they can look back and see.

Stella-Oh Stella, my sweet and spunky little girl. You are 3 right now and so independent. You push me to the limit sometimes with that independence and wanting to do everything on your own ALL. THE. TIME. But I wouldn't have it any other way for you. You wake up on your own everyday and are the happiest little girl in the mornings. You always get up and run to me and hug me and ask to go play in the playroom. Getting you to leave the playroom is a challenge sometimes, but eventually you do. You go in there in the mornings so you can play with Nora's toys while she is still sleeping :) Getting you dressed isn't always the easiest. I have to offer you choices because if I come in with one outfit it is not usually good. And you always get dressed yourself! You are in preschool every day all day. You really enjoy going to school and everyone at school thinks you are a doll. You know your colors and how to spell your name. You are learning your shapes and how to write your name and you are a lefty! You crack me up with some of the things you say and you know it and sometimes try to make me laugh on purpose. You are always questioning things as well and are very curious. You love for us to read to you at bedtime and prefer me over daddy, which makes it hard on me sometimes, but when I really think about it I know it will fly by and that I need to enjoy you wanting mommy all the time. We do give you melatonin to help you fall asleep or else you would be up until 10:00 every night! You love your gymnastics time and are not afraid to try anything they ask of you. Recently you started dancing and you love that as well. We weren't sure if you were going to be able to last the whole class, but you have been doing great. We think you are going to be the athlete.  I love you so much Stella K!

Nora-Where to start Nora. You are my serious and snuggly girl. You are 6 right now and in first grade. You like going to school to socialize with friends and go to specials. You do not care for the learning part of school. You do well in reading, but math and writing are hard for you. You are not very independent and want help doing everything, but with enough encouragement you will try stuff on your own. You are our sleeper! If you didn't have to get up you wouldn't. You let me pick out your clothes in the morning and get you dressed. Not many six year olds are like that, but i don't mind. We usually read in the mornings before school and you rock at reading! I love when you read to me, it makes me feel so proud. You are getting much better with sharing with your sister. I wasn't sure if that would ever happen because everything you have is 'special' to you. And this is a more recent development and makes me realize you are not going to be young for long. You are so much like your dad. People say you look like me, but you act a lot like your dad. You are quiet, can be shy if you don't know people, don't mind playing alone, don't care to be out in the heat or the cold for that matter. You do not care for sports except for volleyball. You dance because I want you too, but it seems that you have a little more interest now that Stella has started. You like gymnastics, but do not like when they push you. And we have recently started PSR and you love it. You talk about Jesus and God and that warms my heart more than you know. You are great going to bed. You have recently taken over the reading part of bedtime to earn allowance. You have two really good friends and I love that the three of you get a long so well. You love cats too! If only our cat were a little more cuddly, but she has come a great way since you were born and now lets you pet her. You do like other animals, but cats are your favorite.  I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you!

I am just so lucky to live this life and have the husband I have to be by my side through this adventure. There are days he drives me crazy and I am sure there are days that I drive him crazy too. But wow, what a guy I have. He is so supportive and loves all of us so much. I hope that the girls realize how much he loves them and they show him that love back instead of asking for me all the time. 2015 is our year!

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