Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015-Year in Review

What a year, what a year! 2015 started and I remember telling Peter this was our year. I said I wanted a new job this year. Well, I was right on one account, but so much else happened as well! New house, new cars, new school, new job! Wow!

I did get a new job and am now an assistant principal in the Parkway School District at Hanna Woods Elementary. I love my new job and feel that this is what I am supposed to be doing. My new principal is great and we work really well together too! The staff is good to and I am getting to know some people as well. I miss my Affton girls terribly and know I will never have those same types of friendships again because I am a boss now, but it was time to move on. And the way it all happened was surreal as we were on vacation and I was totally not expecting to interview by skype from our condo! So crazy.

We did move though. If you would have told me this time last year that we would be moving in 2015 I would have told you that you were absolutely crazy! I thought Katie was crazy for putting her house on the market and then we did and what do you know it sold in the first two days! I love our new house and for as nervous as I was to move our family and start again in a new neighborhood and school. I have been so pleasantly surprised. We have some really nice people that live in our new neighborhood and I hope to continue to get to know them as the year continues to go. And I LOVE Nora's new school. Her teacher is amazing and she has grown so much! She is making friends and is happy.

Nora is still involved in Irish dance at the Clark Academy and we still continue to push her to do this. She doesn't care for it as much, but she still does it. She recently started volleyball through a clinic and loves it. She is also part of a brownie troop through school too. I am hoping she makes some more friends through that as well! School is not really her thing and she has to try really hard at it, but is doing well. She is still a mommy's girl and prefers me over her dad. She is starting to become a little more outgoing, but doesn't like any attention on her what so ever. I cannot believe she is going to be 8! She is such a kind girl and so nice to her cousins, her sister on the other hand is a different story. Nora is for sure a rule follower like her dad. She warms my heart!

Stella is involved with Irish dance as well and started last year. She is a good little dancer! She is going to participate in her first feis this year. She is in her second year of preschool and doing well. It amazes me how opposite my girls are. Stella is an outgoing kid and loves attention! She cracks me up with her antics and silly personality! She can make anyone laugh. Stella is a mommy's girl too, but also does like attention from her daddy too! Stella is so inquisitive as well!

The Reid family has had a great year! Can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for us! Graduation, first communion, 10 year anniversary! It is going to be good!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Winter break fun

We are having a great break so far. I. Got to start my break by having dinner with Valerie, which was so nice. We were able to sit and catch up.
Peter and I. Got to go on a date and check out a brewery for my grad party. And then visited another one and saw my dad!
Today we headed to Valerie's moms house so we could see the girls and let them play. I got to see her brother, Andy and meet his little guy! He is a doll! Only the big girls would take a pic for me. So fun! Can't wait for the rest of the week!

Christmas Day

Wow! Santa was good to us. He brings the girls something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read and then they get something from us. I just feel they get so much from everyone else and it's not all about the gifts and hopefully they will get it someday! They got zoomer kitties from us and love them. They are pretty cool. We then went to Katie and zachs and opened more presents and then played rob your neighbor and played other games. Nora cried because she didn't get enough toys. And Daphne wanted Stella's skates and Stella had fun playing with Daphne's microphone! She is not shy! We had a great day and are so incredibly blessed.

Christmas Eve

We hosted Christmas Eve with the Bromeier family this year. I can't even begin to tell you how nice it is to be able to host 20 people and still be comfortable in our house! Anyway...Peter did a great job on the meat. He made the Reid sides traditional polish sausage and sauerkraut and also smoked a pork butt, which was delicious. We played bingo and rob your neighbor and laughed. The girls got rollerskates and they love them. They have been practicing in the house. They are getting better and better. We put out our reindeer food, cookies and said goodbye to Merida (our elf).