That is right we did it or I should say Nora did it. We got rid of the binky! I have been thinking about getting rid of it for a while, but was very scared to do it. She has only had it at nap and bed time for quite a while, but it is a big step. I was also nervous because a friend of ours had her little boy start to suck his thumb after getting rid of the bink. Last weekend was when I hit my wall and said enough is enough. She had starting asking for it more and more. She would cry for her "binky" anytime she didn't get her way and quite frankly it was starting to annoy me. So I decided Labor Day weekend would be good since I had three days to focus on before sending her back to the sitter.
Unfortunately for my in-laws they were going to have to experience the binky removal. I prepared myself all weekend and kept telling myself it could be worse and the longer I wait the harder it will be. I was totally stressing myself out about it. I took the advice of a different friend and cut the tips of the binkies off and said that they were "broken". I introduced the "broken" binky on Thursday night but still gave her a binky that night. I kind of wanted to see what her reaction was going to be, it was not good. She cried and wanted me to throw that broken one away. Luckily for me it wasn't bedtime yet and she was at Aunt Kiki's house and they watched a movie and she got a regular one at bedtime.
It was now Friday night and we had a long day. Grandma was reading to her and had given her the blanket and they were rocking and she finally called me in because she was not going to be the one to say goodnight and not be giving the binky (totally understand that!). So I rocked and sang and did our routine and put her in bed and nothing!!! I was in shock. I went out into the living room and waited for the screaming and crying to start and nothing. A couple of minutes later we hear a very sad little girl through the monitor pathetically saying, "my binky". It was the sadest little whine ever!!! After about 25-30 minutes of that I couldn't take it anymore and I turned off the monitor. Seriously....I had prepared myself for the worse and it was nothing but whining! She did wake up twice that night whining for it but I went in and kissed her and told her it was okay and she went back to sleep a little later.
Saturday at naptime she whined for about 10 minutes and went to sleep and then saturday night was about the same. Sunday naptime was nothing and bedtime was great! Now she has occasionally asked for it here and there when she hasn't gotten her way at something but we all have done a great job at ignoring the request.
I really don't know how and why and I am so lucky to have such an easy going child. I am really concerned that when we have a second child it is going to be a holy terror. It makes me not want to have a second child because what child could be as good as gold like Nora. My friends love when they see Nora cry because they say she is real then. It is kind of a running joke!
Here are some pics from the weekend. We went to Purina Farms with the Grandma's and went to the park Saturday evening while I took Susie and Jalen's pics. We had a great time this weekend!
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