Tuesday, March 6, 2012

4 months old!

Our sweet Stella is 4 months old! Wow, she is growing so fast and I hate that! Once you get past those first, long two months it really starts to fly by! If I didn't have to do those first few months and send my babies to daycare I would have more. Yes, I said it!
I love this age. She is smiling all. the. time! She is rolling from belly to back, she is sleeping AWESOME! I could not ask for a better baby. I say she rivals Nora for best baby. I can't decide who is better. So with that being said we will not try for number 3 and jinx that goodness! We went to the dr. this morning for our 4 month check up and here are her stats....

Weight 14 lbs 12 oz.  68th %ile
Height  25 1/2 inches  85th %ile

The nurse practitioner said she is growing exactly the way she is supposed to be. I was worried a little about her nogen, but that has rounded out nicely and she said I don't need to worry. We are going to be starting cereal in a month when she can sit up a little bit better. Stella did really well considering she got two shots today. She only cried after the second one.

The girl absolutely loves the jump a roo! What a great invention. She just bounces and bounces and bounces and giggles and bounces some more! Nora plays with her while she is in it too. I think Nora secretly wishes she could get in it as well. So here is our sweet baby at 4 months old!

1 comment:

Suzy Zollinger said...

Nora can get in it! I think the weight limit is 35 or 40. I KNOW Charlie was in it way past his time. We had that same one too. Stella is gorgeous. I think she is just an absolute doll! Pretty sure second babies are always GREAT babies and extra naughty toddlers! That's the consensus among my friends at least. Enjoy!