Thursday, December 13, 2012

Xmas Make and Take

Last night up at Nora's school they had a Christmas Make and Take. It was cute and it was for anyone that participates in the Parents as Teachers program through Affton. So it was mainly younger kiddos, but there were a few Nora's age. They had 5 different stations and at all of them you made something. The first station was a lacing station with a holiday card, the second station they made an ornament with their thumb print, the third station they decorated a snow scene, fourth station they made reindeer food and the fifth station was a cookie icing station. It lasted about 30 min. and on our way out the big man himself was entering the building. Santa was there and Nora was scared. I am not sure what happened between this year and last year, but she is scared of Santa. She wants to have nothing to do with him. As soon as she saw him she was ready to go home and headed away from where Santa was walking. We still have not gone to sit on Santa's lap and it should be interesting when we do. Here are some pics from the evening.

Nora reading before the event started

Playing and using cut outs with the play-doh

happily sitting at the lacing station

decorating her cookie

Daddy and Stella decorating their cookie


Stella LOVED her icing covered cookie

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