Friday, January 16, 2015

Good bye 2014

2014 was an interesting year for the Reid family. I do have to say I am not sad to see 2014 go!! The beginning of the year was not too bad, but as we got into the year that changed. Something with being diagnosed with cancer might have something to do with it. April 24, 2014 will be a day that is etched in my memory forever, it is just something you never forget. But it also showed me what a truly fantastic support system that I have. Friends and family pulled together to support me in so many ways and I am truly blessed!
All of the Reid girls did visit the hospital this year too, which was not great. Poor Stella busted her head open by falling out of the pool and Nora had her tonsils taken out. Nora and Stella also both started a new school this year. Nora is now attending Long elementary and she is doing good. She is making friends and her first two report cards have been pretty good! Stella started at Affton Early Childhood Center. She is thriving being in a school setting and learning so much. I am so impressed with how much she has learned.
I am also continuing to work on my doctorate and still have my job as a counselor at Gotsch. Peter is still at Express Scripts.
Overall we had some ups but I am looking forward to 2015! It is my year! I am going to lose weight and get a new job!

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