Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well Halloween finally got here! We had a great time. The week was full of fun halloween events and Nora really knows the meaning of candy now! We made caramel apples, carved pumpkins and went trick or treating. We started Halloween day by just relaxing and taking a nice long nap before all the trick or treating began. Nora and I headed to my mom's house first and started from there. We went and visited many friends before our final destination of the Kountzman's house.

We went and saw our friends Tom and Rose, Pappy and some of his friends at a party, Grandma's friend Peggy and her mom and Great Gran and Uncle Ken. Each stop had wonderful treats for Nora and Jalen! They got cupcakes, treat bags and Nora's new favorite M&M's!! Here is our pic with Great Gran. Nora did a great job in her costume, she just didn't really want anyone touching her while she was in it.

We got to the Kountzman's house around 5:15 and had our traditional chili dinner and waited for the sun to go down before we started trick or treating. Now in St. Louis the thing is to tell a joke for your candy. You have to actually work for your treat. So all day long I had been practicing with Nora on saying "boo". She did an excellent job! Aunt Boo, Aunt Kiki, Zach, Peter and I took Nora and Jalen trick or treating, well some of them started with us. She was such a trooper walking around from house to house and saying boo. She had no problem once she realized that everytime she said it she was going to get a piece of candy for it! She was too funny. I had given her a big tootsie roll and that lasted like 10 houses and she was content. We walked around with Jalen and Aunt Boo for a little over and hour and then headed back to the Kountzman household.

When we got back to the house Nora walked up to the door and said boo and Grandma gave her a piece of candy and she turned around and walked right back out the door. She was ready to keep going to get more candy!! It was too funny. She kept saying more, more, more. Our little piglet did a great job and made a haul! This last picture is of her and all of her candy. She had that pumpkin filled to the top!! Peter has really been enjoying Nora's candy. She saw the pumpkin this morning and said "boo, more, more". I guess she really wanted more candy!
We had a great Halloween and first trick or treating experience. Can't wait for many more Halloween's!!!!

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