Sunday, January 2, 2011

Recap of 2010

Wow!  I cannot believe that another year has flown by.  I think this year has gone faster than most.  2010 was a pretty busy, but good year.  We had lots of things happening and here is the recap.

A few things happened for me this year.  I left a job and friends to take a new position in the Affton School District.  So far I am not regretting that decision.  I am still counseling, but with 2nd and 3rd graders and am liking it a lot.  I have made some new friends and am really enjoying most of the people that I work with.  Building those relationships take time and I think they will get better in 2011!
I turned 30 this year!!  I still cannot believe that I am 30 years old and to most who cares, but I still feel like I should be in my 20's.  Not that being 30 is a bad thing, it is just kind of crazy to me to think that I am! 
I drove Nora and myself to Chicago, which is a huge deal for me.  I don't think I could have done it before and now that my little girl is getting so big, it makes it much easier.
I finished 3 chapters of my thesis!  I have two more to go, but I would have never thought I would actually get it done!

Peter has had a busy year as well.  Last January he decided he was going to lose weight and he did!  He has lost and kept off over 20 pounds!  I am so proud of him. 
Peter also got a new position within Express Scripts and will be starting that in a few weeks. 
Peter bought a new car...we traded in my Ion and he got a Focus.

Nora had a very busy year growing and learning tons of new things!  Nora is potty trained!  She is talking up a storm and can actually carry on a conversation with you.  She had her first ear infection this year and for the first time ever we had to give her antibiotics...pretty lucky for us!  She spent another week in Chicago with Grandma and Grandpa. 

Sweet Pea Photography has taken off!  I cannot believe it.  Thanks to my family and word of mouth I have been busy taking lots of pictures. I did 31 shoots between April and December of this year! I am hoping to buy a better camera this year with the hopes of doing a wedding.  Thanks to all of you that have hired me to capture your families moments.  It means more to me than you know!

And there are tons of other things that happened this year as well!

-Katie got engaged!
-My cousin Kurt got married!
-My cousin Kristina got engaged!
-Tim and Candace are expecting a little girl!

Lots of great things happened in 2010 and I can't wait to see what 2011 brings!

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