Saturday, February 12, 2011


Over the last few months Nora's imagination has just grown and grown!!  She changes into anything she wants and makes you play make believe as well!
She really likes to make believe that she is a dog.  One night she had finished eating and she got down and then crawled back up to the table and was telling us she is a dog.  Peter went to pet her and she growled.  We cracked up!
We are also play princess a lot as well!  Nora is always the princess and I am the queen and Peter is the King. 
Tonight was pretty funny considering we ha dto visit the ER for an ear infection.  We got some the meds in her and she was great.  We were on our way home and a song from Beauty and the Beast came on, which she loves her princess music and she said mom, I am Belle!  I said great.  The she said are the BEAST!  The beast, really Nora!  Then she said Peter was Gaston.  So for about the next half hour those were our names and everytime that nora called beast out Peter laughed. 
Then she changed into a dragon and was flying around the living room.  I wish I had gotten a picture of her running down the hall with her hands behind her.  She made me run with her and I was a mommy dragon.  I guess and even funnier picture would have been of Nora and I running down the hallway with our hands behind us! 
That girl makes me smile so much!  We are so blessed!

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