Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Bedrooms

So back in February I think I posted that Peter redid the guest bedroom for Nora and moved everything into a new room for her. He did a Disney princess theme. He did this in anticipation of having another baby and that we knew when that happened we would be turning Nora's crib into a full size bed. So a few weeks ago Peter and a few friends helped move the room around to get ready for the big girl bed and last weekend we got a new full size mattress for Nora! She loves her big girl bed. Baby girl is using Nora's mattress and we didn't want to have Nora have any issues with it so we decided to do it now instead of waiting closer to when the baby comes.

She has done really great in her big bed. She has only fallen in the crack one time. I just need to take a friends advice and get a pool noodle to stick under the fitted sheet to serve as a bit of a blocker and she will be just fine. Nora and Jalen slept in the bed together last week when he spent the night and she was all excited. We moved the guest bedroom downstairs. So now Grandma and Grandpa will be downstairs when they come to visit!

So since Nora has been gone I have had the chance to get baby girls bedroom together. The new furniture came over the weekend and once I got back from Chicago I couldn't wait to get it all organized and together. One of the side effects of being pregnant this time around is my major OCD or nesting. I know you are thinking how much worse could it be, but let me tell you, I cannot keep things organized enough or my house clean enough. I know it is irrational and sick, but I cannot help it!!! 

Anyway...we are using the same bedding as we did with Nora, but we switched the room around so it is a little different. It seems kind of plain right now, but her name will go on the wall above the changing table when she comes and it will give it a little more. I had fun getting everything out again and washing it all. All of the blankets, sheets, burp cloths, and lap pads are all washed and ready to go. Here is her room...

Here is the new bedroom downstairs! Nora has been telling Grandma and Grandpa about their new bedroom and she is excited to show them where it is! They will be bringing Nora back on Saturday and we won't be home so Nora will be in charge of showing them around and I don't think she will have any problem with it ;)

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