Monday, August 22, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

So Nora has a big girl bed and she loves it. She totally cracks us up though because of some of the ways we find her sleeping in her big girl bed. And maybe we are mean parents for taking pictures of her sleeping and laughing before we wake her up, but I just can't help myself. So I thought I would share.

 So this is how Peter found her one morning last week. Totally covered up with her blanket from head to toe. He didn't wake her up and called me into the room and we started taking pics! I guess it is a good thing that I know she can breathe through that blanket! That is definately a Reid thing, because I cannot sleep with anything over my head.

This pic was taken yesterday at naptime. I went in to wake her up and she was laying the wrong way with another pillow over her body. She just makes me laugh. And yes we do have a lot of pillows in her bed, but normally she refuses to lay on anything, but the princess pillow shams.

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