Monday, July 23, 2012

Katie's Baby Shower

We held Katie's family baby shower this past Friday evening. I did all the decorations for it. Damn pinterest makes me think I can be crafty! I saw these cute diaper bassinet things on there and decided I wanted to do them for her shower. I could not find directions on how to do them, so I went from the picture and they did not turn out. So my neighbor suggested I youtube to find directions and it was for a different type, but it turned out!!! They were really cute. I also got the idea for the flowers from a girl I work with and made them too. What was I thinking?! At least I didn't attempt the cake too. Anyway.....our theme was Sugar and Spice and everything nice with pink and orange as the colors. Our good family friend hosted the shower at her house. My cousins were in charge of the favors and they turned out just darling. We also had some help with appetizers too! My other cousin makes the best jalepeno popper dip! We played one game, The Price is Right. My mom bought 10 baby items and the guests had to guess the price of the items and the person who guessed closest to the retail total price won! It was pretty interesting to see what everyone guessed. It was a really nice shower and she received some great gifts. I am hosting her friends shower on Aug. 4th! Here are some pics from the shower.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Debbie, Everything looked great!! You are crafty! Stop saying that. You did a great job. I'm sure your sister loved it.