Monday, February 17, 2014

St. Louis Irish Arts Feis

Nora had a feis this past weekend. She was supposed to do both days, but only ended up doing one day. She did great though. The Feis was put on by St. Louis Irish Arts and was held at the Ballpark Hilton in downtown St. Louis. We got their early so we could see Nora's friend Cecilia participate in her first feis. Right before Nora was supposed to go on she bit her lip. OMG! I have no idea how she did it, but it was a mess. Luckily the volunteers and the judge were nice and let me calm her down as much as I could before she had to do her reel. She got out there and did it and I was so proud of her. She did great and finished 3rd in that dance. Then we waited and she did her light jig and placed 2nd!!! Such a great job! I just love the group that we are a part of as well. The Clark Academy is just one of the best irish dance academies that you could be a part of. All of the girls are just so nice and the parents alike. There were feis buddies that helped out on Saturday and were so encouraging and helped Nora run through her dances before hand. And anyone that saw her later on told her good job and asked her questions about her dances. Now if we could just get her to be so kind back. We definitely need to work on talking to others when they talk to her. Overall it was great. Grandma and Pappy came to watch as well. Now we do not feis until July, so I can't wait to see how much she improves between now and then. I have started to take some lessons too. I have always wanted to learn and it is a lot of hard work. I didn't realize how hard it was, it makes me even more proud of my Nora!

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