Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Allergic Reaction

So on Wed. February 25th, Stella woke up with a really bad rash/hives. I freaked out a little bit because Peter was out of town, we were leaving the next day for D.C. and I had my teacher of the year interview at 8:00. Panic mode set in. Luckily I have an awesome mom who helped me out and went into work late, so I could go to my interview. I then got an appt for Stella with our pediatrician. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I had done differently or if she had been exposed to anything different. When we got to the dr. she knew right away that it was an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she had been on the week prior for strep. Funny little thing with amoxicillin though is that it takes 7-10 days to react. It is an inside out rash and takes a while to surface. The poor baby was so itchy and red. The only thing we could do for her was to give her benedryl. So we started dosing her the benedryl every 4 hours. We got to D.C. and it wasn't getting any better. Thursday evening it got so bad and she had a 102 fever to go with the rash. I made the decision to take her to the ER because there was something they had to do. Boy was I wrong!!! They didn't do anything for her. They said it had to work its way out and it could take another 5 days! My poor baby! They did say to give her ibuprofen with the benedryl and that would also help with the discomfort. By Friday morning her skin was bruising because the rash was so bad. It is just miserable when you cannot help your little one feel better. It took until Saturday evening for her to start acting like her Stella self. She was still red, but acting better. Today she is good, has a few spots appear every once in a while, but she is totally acting normal. Here are some pics to see how red she got and how swollen her eyes were.

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