Tuesday, May 17, 2011

17 Weeks!

Well here we are 17 weeks into pregnancy number two! You know that I wasn't going to go too long without posting pictures. I did this for Nora and of course am doing it again for this little peanut. I cannot believe it has been 17 weeks already. This pregnancy has for sure been different that my first one. I was very nauseated for the first 13 weeks and nothing seemed to help that. I have really bad acne too, which totally stinks, but a part of being pregnant. I have had cravings this time around...did not have cravings with Nora. What have I been craving, for a few weeks at the beginning I could not get enough orange sherbet, I don't eat sherbet so that was weird for me. I have been craving salty and sweet together which is odd for me and most recently I cannot get enough rootbeer! Normally I would rather not drink root beer at all and now I want it all the time!

We have had a few dr. appt's and they have all gone well. Our first ultrasound was fun and Nora got to be a part of it. We are very excited that on May 26th we will be finding out, as long as this little peanut is cooperating, what the gender is. Please don't ask, we are not "revealing" the gender until June 12th! I will say that I think it is a boy this time around and my gut has been right with the last 8 out of 10 pregnancies of people I know. We will just have to wait and see. 

Everyone has been asking if Nora is excited or not. We talk about the baby, but she hasn't said too much about it until last night. It was my turn to put her to bed (yes we take turns and I could do a whole post about this little issue) and we were sitting in the glider and she got up on my lap and I started to read. A few minutes later she said "mom i am sitting on the baby". I looked at her and she smiled and put her hand behind her back and left them on my stomach for the rest of the time we read together. It just made my heart melt! I know we will have some jealousy issues in the beginning, but this is the making of a great big sister!

1 comment:

Suzy Zollinger said...

I'd for sure say boy! Congrats. with Charlie I was a big sweaty mess, I just felt gross! I knew it was a boy from the start too. And if we're wrong then nora will have a sister YAY! What could be better. That's probalby the biggest reason i want to try for number 3 is I want Lily to have a sister. Enjoy your 1 kid days... you'll think It was soooo easy!