Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What's Up

So much has been happening lately and it is hard to keep up!

Since the wedding we have been busy bees. The basement is shaping up! Over the weekend Peter primed and painted the entire, yes ENTIRE basement! Very different colors from what it was before and I am looking forward to the finished product. We are hoping our contractor can start working on putting in the floors this week, which would be awesome! We are doing pergo throughout.

I was busy as well this weekend. I had five photo shoots and in between the photo shoots I managed to weed whack the hill, clean the upstairs do all the laundry and start to tarp the hill. My goal for this summer is to have the weeds on the hill gone and it all tarped so that next summer we can lay rock or mulch.

Nora was so sweet this weekend and played so well while mom and dad worked. We are so blessed and I really hope that this next one is as good as her. Peter and I did manage to sneak in dinner and a movie on Sunday evening, which was really nice. I don't even remember the last time just the two of us did something alone. I really do miss that. I am hoping we can do that a little more this summer before the baby comes. There are some really good movies that we want to see ;)

I had a doctor's appointment this past Thursday and things are looking really good. We had our big ultrasound and I bet you are dying to know! Well, sorry, not in this post...you will have to wait until June 12th to find out if Maverick is a boy or a girl. We have been calling the baby Maverick because for some strange reason Peter likes this name and wants to name a child with that name. So it has become a joke and the name has kind of stuck for in-utero. Maverick is measuring great and weighs aprox. 8 oz! This baby was very active during the ultrasound and so it was hard to get some really good shots, but we did manage to get the 'money' shot. We also got to see this baby's mouth move, which was pretty neat.

I am officially 19 weeks and this picture was taken this morning after my workout. I have been lucky enough to have kept up with my running and step class. I am working out 4 times a week right now and hope to continue that as long as I can. It is getting harder to run, well harder because my heart rate is getting harder to stay down. If I didn't have to pay so close attention to that I would be fine. I have a 5k this weekend and I am thinking this will be my last race. I hate running slow and it will be hard to find someone to run with me that slow. I am thankful to my friend Cyndi who is running with me this weekend. I just really want to keep exercising in hopes it will help me keep some of the weight off and help me post-pardem.

This is my last week of school!!!  YIPEE! I am so excited and ready for summer break. Nora and I are headed to Chicago on Saturday to visit Naomi! I cannot wait to hold that little girl.  We plan on being there for 4-5 days. Naomi was born on May 21st, yes my sister got married and my niece was born. She weighed in at 6 lbs even and was 19 inches long. She has a head of dark hair. I will be posting some pics of her next week.

Well I guess that is all for now! A really long post, which is not typically my style, but there is a lot going on!

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