Tuesday, October 4, 2011

37 weeks

Well we have made it to October and to 37 weeks! Only 3 more to go, but if she were to come now it would be okay and she would considered full term. I am NOT ready for her to be here though. I am ready to be done being pregnant, but for my maternity leave I want her to at least wait until after the 14th! If she comes after the 14th then I won't have to go back to school until Jan. 2! At my appointment yesterday everything was good. I am not dialated or effaced yet, but her heart rate was good. 

Since my last post people have done a little sprinkling for me! My mom, Susie, Katie, Jalen, and Uncle Mike had a little sprinkle for me on the 23rd. A sprinkle is a 'mini' shower. Katie made a diaper cake and they gave the new baby some clothes and my mom had a beautiful blanket made from her wedding gown. It was very nice and fun. We had a great time. Nora had a great time playing with Uncle Mike and I don't think all of us have laughed that hard in a long time! Then on Saturday some of our friends sprinkled us. We have regular dinners with this group of friends (which are some of Peter's college friends). They gave us some cute sleepers and toys and a house cleaning! It was so nice and thoughtful and cannot thank them enough!

In other news Nora is doing great! She is loving pre-school and asks everyday if it is a school day or not. I love that she loves it and she is learning a lot too! She is excited about the baby, as excited as a 3 year old can be. I think she won't be as excited once she is here, but we will deal with that later. We were talking about birthday's over the weekend since Peter's birthday is Thursday and I said, "guess whose birthday is after daddy's?". Of course she didn't know and I told her it would be the baby's birthday and she got all excited. So when my family came over Sunday to celebrate she told them whose birthday was next. We will have to sing to the new baby when she arrives. She has also been into a show on TV called 'Bubble Guppies' and lately she is bubble puppy from that show.
Our bubble puppy!
Oh and if you want to get in on the baby pool do it before Monday! Send you $1 to my mom!!! Here is the link  http://www.expectnet.com/games/Reid-BabyPool2

I think that is all for now!

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