Friday, January 9, 2009

How Full Is Your Bucket?

So I am adopting a new philosophy in my life and wanted to share it with everyone. It is the Bucket philosophy. I was at a workshop in October and one of the presenters shared a book with us called "Have you filled a bucket today?" It is meant for children K-4, but everyone gets the point. It really got to me. So I decided that would be my lesson to my 3rd and 4th graders for the month of December. I was going to teach them the Bucket philosophy.

You see each person has an invisible bucket and all day long people are either filling it up or dipping out of it. You fill a persons bucket by the nice things you do. You can also dip into a persons bucket by being mean, rude or just plain ignoring that person. When you fill someone's bucket you fill your own bucket too!

So I had such a great reaction from the kids and the teachers in each of the classes I was doing this in that I went to my principal to see if I could do a staff development using the bucket philosophy. She said yes! So I got mini buckets and gave them to each of the teachers and cut out a ton of stars. I read the book to the teachers and told them that when someone does something nice for them to let that person know they filled their bucket. So if someone does something nice for, let's say my principal, she would write what they did on a star and put it in my mailbox. I then will attach a piece of candy to that star and give it to the proper person. Well what do you know that we had almost 30 stars handed out this week.

I have decided to try to be a filler instead of a dipper in my life as well. I guess you can say that is my New Year's Resolution. I think that I am doing a pretty good job so far. So here is to being a filler in the New Year!!!

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