Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day-Round Two

So today was a real snow day with around 6-7" of snow on the ground. I couldn't resist sticking Nora out in the snow again today. We had to get a picture of her with a lot more snow on the ground! We had another fun day together. We went and saw our friends Nicole and Julia this afternoon. They had fun playing together. Nora again did not know what to think of all the white stuff on the ground. Jalen loved it though. He had a great time sledding with Grandma and Pappy today. They spend 2 1/2 hours outside today!!! He said he can't wait for Nora to be able to play with him (maybe next year!).

Nora and Jalen in the snow!!!

Julia and Nora playing together with the leapfrog table. Julia just cruises around everywhere! Nora did try to pull herself up on the table, but the table is too light for that. She is successfully pulling herself up onto people.

The two buddies. We tried very hard to get a picture with both of them smiling, but that was not happening today! Such cute little friends!

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