Monday, January 2, 2012

2 month check up

We had Stella's 2 month check up last Thursday. Our little baby isn't so little anymore. I can't believe that it has been  2 months. I think I have said that everytime I have posted, but it is true. Stella is doing great. She is smiling away and starting to coo and talk to us. She doesn't get to much time to talk because Nora is always talking, but when she does she just goes to town.

The doctor said she is doing great, her weight and height are good. The only thing that we need to watch is how much she is on her right side. She has a small flat spot and he is not overly concerned, but wants us to rotate the way she sleeps and make things more interesting on her left side. So we are doing that and hopefully it will work itself out. Here are her stats...

Weight-11.10 lbs 70th %ile
Height-23.75" 90th %ile

At least she is long and lean!! (just like Nora was) She definately has a longer torso so some of the 0-3 month stuff is getting tight in length, but not in width. It will be interesting to see how she continues to grow. I brought up to the doctor Nora and her oral fixation. She has been biting her nails more and it seems constantly has her hands in her mouth. He said it is most likely from anxiety due to the changes in the last few months. He said if that is the only thing than we are pretty lucky. Yes, that is the most she has done since Stella has arrived and I do have to say we are pretty blessed in that way. Other than that Stella is sleeping 8-9 hours a night. Going to bed around 9:15ish and waking between 5-6 am!!! She is a great eater and only cries when she is really tired.

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