Saturday, January 28, 2012

3 months old

I cannot believe our sweet little Stella is 3 months old already! She is doing fantastic. We all are settling in nicely to me being back at work. It took a little while for Stella and Mimi (Rebecca) to find their groove, but the found it this week.
I am so lucky to have such a great hubby that helps out so much. Peter gets the girls to Rebecca's every morning. I get Stella up, he feeds her, I get Nora up and ready and off they go! I get the girls after work everyday. Yesterday was the first day that I worked out since July! Wow, that was a long time. I joined Club Fitness. Not too impressed with Club Fitness, but it will do. I changed because Gold's Gym made me mad and I have multiple friends that work out at Club Fitness, so it seemed like a good fit. I did the step class and totally had to modify, but that first time is always hard. I am ready to continue going and cannot wait to start jogging/running again!
Anyway, back to Stella! She is holding her head up really well, but she HATES tummy time. She sits in her bumbo and loves to watch Nora play. She is eating like a champ! She gets 4 bottles a day. 3 6 oz. bottles and 1 7 oz bottle. She eats at 6:30 am, 10:45 am, 3:45 pm and 7:20 pm. I don't know how, but we have been blessed again with another good sleeper. She doesn't sleep as long as Nora did, but I am not complaining by any means! Believe me! She goes down at night around 8:15 and sleeps until around 6:15. She grunts for her bink around 5:15 am, but then will stay asleep until 6:15. She then naps at 9:00, 1:00 and 5:00. She takes two 2 hour naps and then a 1 hour nap. She is just a sweet little thing. She doesn't cry or fuss. She is smiling more and more and smiles the most at her big sis! They took a bath together for the first time last night and she actually giggled at Nora!
I took these pics this morning!

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