Sunday, January 8, 2012

So I read a post by someone on Facebook and it was how hard it is to be a mom sometimes and that someone told her to just cherish the moments because it will go by too fast. It was an interesting post because I feel that it is hard to cherish every moment. It is hard being a mom and not to want that alone time sometimes. This women talked about chronos time (real time) vs. kairos time, which is the time you can really just take that moment in. So the last couple of days I have been trying really hard to be aware of the kairos times. I do have quite a few everyday. Life with a 3 1/2 year old will definitely keep those moments real. As much as I want to just throw my hands up I don't and end up laughing at her. Like tonight when we were online with grandma and grandpa and she was putting a baby doll dress on her head and shaking it, I just took it in because it was so funny. Or when we were getting ready for bed and she shook her booty at me or last night when she kept repeating what Peter and I were saying. She definitely makes me laugh and I have to just love those times. I am so lucky to have such a great little girl and when she is being so stubborn or telling me no or crying that she doesn't want to go to bed I need to remember the happiness that she brings to our lives. I have had some of these moments with Stella and know they will become more and more as she continues to grow. I really just enjoyed rocking with her today while she slept at nap time. I did this knowing that I wasn't going to get to do it except on the weekends from now on.
It is just hard because I feel like I try to be a great mom all time and I just get tired. I need to know and realize that I can't be on 100% of the time. I need to not be doing everything at once and that is the hardest thing for me. I need to slow down and take more kairos times and soak them in. But how do you balance everything? How do people do it and work full time and be awesome moms and still have time to be a great wife and time for themselves? I don't know but it is going to be an interesting ride!

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