Tuesday, August 7, 2012

9 months

Stella is 9 months old and a growing girl. Peter took her to the doctor today because I had to be at school for a mentoring meeting. It is kind of nice not to take her and let Peter be the one that is there while they do the shots. I just hate that part. Stella is still getting 4 bottles a day-Morning, lunch, afternoon and before bed. She is eating baby food in the morning and at night. I am kind of going by what we did with Nora. The doctor said we can start giving her table foods as long as we make sure it is small enough for her. I am kind of excited about that. She is moving EVERYWHERE! She crawls like no other and is into everything. She is pulling up on everything as well. Her favorite is to pull up on the TV and bang on it. We tell her no and and she looks smiles and then does it again, like ha take that. She is starting to stand too! I really think that she could be walking by the end of this month and that scares me! She is just soooooo happy and makes a monster face that I have yet to capture with my camera. I am hoping I get it soon because I want to bring it to work so when I am having a not great day I can look at it and smile. As hard as it is being a mom sometimes they sure do make it worth it in those moments. Sometimes it takes my breathe away with how much I love those two girls. It amazes me everyday at how big our hearts can be.

Oh and here are her stats.....

6 months
17 lbs 2 oz  and 26.5"

9 months
19 lbs 15 oz and 28.5"

Here are some pics from the 9 month shoot I did with her!

So Big!

This is her getting ready to get into something face

Our happy little girl!

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